Find out more about the involvement of young people, and the need for research by exploring the following resources.
Accident and Emergency by CELEBRATE Champion Antonio Ferreira
Is our A&E only tailored for our mental health, or only for physical injuries?
Voices of Tomorrow: A CELEBRATE Project Event
I want to tell you a little bit about the implications of our research project, CELEBRATE.
An Adolescent Boy's View of Why Why Adolescent Boys Should Learn How to Express Their Emotions
Everybody is talking about adolescent boys and the fact that they do not express their emotions.
Understanding Ethnic Inequalities in Mental Health
Reflections through the lens of the Determinants of Adolescent Social Well-being.
The Value of Co-Production by CELEBRATE Champion Dr. Ally Jaffee
The Importance of Young Voices in Mental Health Research and Beyond
Behind the Scenes of Adolescent Depression
One in seven adolescents worldwide experienced mental health difficulties in 2019.
"Can you hear me?" How adolescents can ask for help
If you are an adolescent, during difficult times, have you ever felt the need to ask for help?
ActEarly coproduction strategy
Aspiring to improve the life chances of children living in areas with high levels of child poverty in Bradford, West Yorkshire, Tower Hamlets and London.
"The Research Zone" Podcast
The podcast where we aim to make sense of youth mental health research.
Research Paper
Assessing Community Readiness for Early Intervention Programmes
Evidence for early and prevention-based approaches for improving social and emotional health in young children.